Thursday, 13 September 2012

2025's Technology's Affect on Society

To predict a futuristic society of 2025.. we must realize what has significantly shaped society within the last decade.. TECHNOLOGY:

For an example. Technologies that shape our society: cell phones, computers, internal combustion engine cars, steel, internet, telecommunications, lasers, magnetic/optical storage.
"Technologies that will shape society in 20 years are going to be: implanted cell phones (Metal Gear), massively parallel analog (perhaps DNA) computers, HSS (Hypersonic speakers), nanomaterials (ultra strong, lightweight, and intelligent.) Maybe hydrogen powered cars (if they're not obsolete). I think the technology that will make them feasible will also make them obsolete. Impanted diagnostic chips, space colonization." 
Therefore living within society will continue to become even faster paced as technology improves !!

Impacts on future society:
Humans will be healthier and better looking. Gene manipulation at birth will allow for choice of id
entity (parents choice) and extended life.
Society at a community and global scale will become closer and closer through nanotechnology. Perhaps a majority of people will not leave their homes.
Rapid depletion of resources. Third world countries will not be able to supplement renewable energy and will deplete all of their natural environments. Rapid increase in animal extinction. Third world counties continue to increase rapidly in population due to no birth control and a limitation in their law system.
"Rapid population growth aggravates poverty in developing countries by producing a high ratio of dependent children for each working adult. This leads to a relatively high percentage of income being spent on immediate survival needs of food, housing, and clothing, leaving little money for purchase of elective goods or for investment in the economy, education, government services, or infrastructure. Lack of available capital continues to frustrate the attempts of many developing countries to expand their economies and reduce poverty" ( related to other countries.. but perhaps we will require to help them with future refuge. Resources and jobs are going to become scarcer and scarcer.. local production of items will allow for saving on transport costs and will provide more jobs locally!
To be continued further..

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